Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Lazy Sunday Afternoon Worship of God in Piney Woods
I have speculated that the essential difference between good and evil is at base acts of brotherhood (equality) versus acts of sodomy (domination). Notice that both involve the medium of power. I have discussed a stage of early male development during which several male friends play "Tarzan in the Woods." I have said that as such males are reinforcing their equality as males—hence sodomy is a spiritual universe vastly apart from the affirmation of brotherhood. Thus, the occasional scene of innocent youth playing Tarzan in the woods symbolizes mirrored and shared masculine power. We learn a central purpose of virility is shared affirmation and power not brutal ruler domination.
This understanding is of final significance in establishing the value of equality in male-female relationships and broadly in institutional practices. Democracy vs dictator applies equally to marriage as to institutional norms. A woman may think she wants an innocent man who has never implanted male equality in his manhood. I would caution that wimps and sodomites can expose more surprises than me lady may be counting on.