Mark 12:14-15 J.B. Phillips New Testament
A test question
13-15a Later they sent some of the Pharisees and some of the
Herod-party to trap him [Jesus] in an argument. They came up and said to him,
“Master, we know that you are an honest man and that you are not swayed by
men’s opinion of you. Obviously you don’t care for human approval but teach the
way of God with the strictest regard for truth—
Guess what, the questioners of Jesus laid it on thick. It is an old story that those who kiss your ass
until it glows scarlet will only be too pleased to shaft your heart the next
My modest proposal—those congressmen in Washington sporting immaculately
clean blue business suites should at this critical moment immediately strip down
and shamefully cover themselves with an odorous assortment of tattered rags
picked up gratis in the alley behind a thrift