Hi St Pete cops… I’m gorging down some krispy kremes just now to show you I know a few things about policing. When I get your attention and you get your head out of your ass, I want to know why you lie so much?!!!!~ You do indeed have 2 levels of undercover cop vehicles—the everyday invisible car-next-door anonymous carriage, and then there‘s the god damn Darth Vader TIE Advanced x1of fleet of black on-hard avengers. I HAVE A LOVING FAMILY AND I am offended YOU DUMB ASSES CAN’T SEE THE NOSE ON YOUR CRACKER FACES. But THEN AGAIN maybe I can help make your dreams come true by suggesting 24/7 picketing of Police Quarters by a horde of Darth Vader black male phallus’s all ready to satisfy your deepest needs.
May I suggest some meditation music to help focus your petite minds…
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(PS as to any folks out there thinking about using me as a winning lotto ticket…I wouldn’t advise that.)
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