Thursday, June 21, 2018
Donald Trump and Me
Good morning Pres. Donald Trump!
I would like to talk to you this morning as simply “Wayne” and I hope you don’t mind that I address you as Donald.
Donald I look at your character and mine and come away with a nagging sense that in ways that neither of us perhaps can take credit for or blame, we profoundly differ. I understand that you do not drink alcohol and neither do I--for the very same reason I think. We deeply understand the harm that it brings to human beings. Both of us have an intimate acquaintance of harm done by alcohol to a loved one close to us. But at this point our behavior dramatically differs. It drives me crazy to walk through a convenience store with alcohol stacked so high that it literally seems to submerge me in its poison. I feel for any youngster growing up after having gone down such cornucopias aisles of resplendent alcohol abundance. They cannot help but feel that alcohol belongs in American life – indeed, that it must have compelling health benefits.
Donald even though a close family member of yours has died from alcohol and you too are so convinced of its harmfulness that you personally do not drink at all – yet even today you own a winery and own numerous properties that push alcohol relentlessly. Your casinos were once destructive to your customers who--once clouding their judgment through alcohol--ran up enormous debts that you then relentlessly pursued with a staff of lawyers. How is it that you do not include others within a circle of concern that includes yourself? Do you see them as suckers to be exploited? Do you feel that their pain validates and even proves your own superiority?
Don, I too like the smell of money – one of my favorite addictions is spending it every chance I get in Walmart. I suppose the very human response to a query regarding the measure of a money in a bank account is always “I could use more!” Can you explain why we can be so much alike and yet so different?
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