Let us begin by considering those factors that make forgiveness and mercy difficult:
- The self-righteousness of the victim
- The heightened seriousness of the hurt received
- The planned/intentional/willful nature of the hurt
- The injured party has/had no love for the perpetrator–consider your attitude towards termites destroying your home
- The injury received was in no way justified or countervailing in nature
- The injury was inflicted without any aspect of self-defense
- The close proximity of the injury to the present
- Those inflicting the injury were recipients in their lives of advantages, privileges, and blessings–it is difficult to argue that they were driven by need or by circumstances beyond their control
- The general absence of extenuating circumstances
- The injuring party seems to have no redeeming characteristics–it is nearly impossible to empathize with them on any level
- It is a repeated, ongoing offence–the hurt continues to be inflicted in an unabated fashion
- The introduction into the hurtful offense a great number of emotional factors–especially those that drive prejudice, jealousy, resentment, retribution
- The perceived insincerity in expressions of repentance or regret by the perpetrator(s)
Factors that facilitate forgiveness and mercy:
- The injured party knows the power of forgiveness for they are deeply aware of having been in need forgiveness themselves
- One loves the perpetrator–consider a puppy that damages one’s house but is readily forgiven
- The hurt received was comparative trivial in nature
- The hurt was inflicted accidentally and unintentionally
- The injury occurred in self-defense
- The general abundance of extenuating circumstances–the hurt can be rationalized as being in some sense understandable or justified
- The hurt was long ago or in some other way remote
- The one(s) inflicting the hurt themselves lived in a hostile environment beyond their control
- The injuring party readily elicits empathy despite what they have done
- The injury is not ongoing but is isolated and receding to the past
- The injury arouses few angry emotions
- The perpetrator(s) express sincere repentance and regret
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