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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A Slamdunk Phenomenon

In what ways do you feel more vulnerable now than five years ago? What bothers you most about aging: (a) Declining health? (b) Loss of youth? (c) Loss of friends and relations? (d) The inevitability of death? (e) Slow narrowing of options and possibilities? Other? (Serendipity Bible Fourth Edition, page 479).

What bothers me most about aging is that there will be those who perceive me as a “has-been” and not worth the time of day. Contrast that with how we typically see youth–full of promise and possibilities; life lies before and not behind them. It’s refreshing to be in their company.  It’s the difference between being on the receiving end of encouragement, investment, and opportunities as opposed to being seen as some type of hopeless urban blight.

The aged have their work cut out for them.  They must show promise in old age for their own benefit as well as for the recognition of others.  It’s just that now promise does not mean grandiose achievements–like winning the Kentucky Derby--but rather winning admiration for courage, optimism, and a positive spirit.  Shock and awe will be achieved not by stupendous Napoleonic acts, but by spiritual levitation amidst the challenges of aging.  Most people find the old who are genuinely happy and optimistic sort of an eighth wonder of the world–a slamdunk phenomenon.

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