In the “Orientation for New Members” sessions at First United Methodist Church, St. Petersburg, personality types and their attributes are discussed. The intention is to help new members find service areas where they would feel most comfortable and be most effective. Of course, most people do not fit neatly and exclusively to any one category. The categories are: Organizer; Director; Supporter; and Relater. These are based on continuums of qualities rather than strict cubbyholes in which to stuff people.
Like others, I find attributes in more than one category that apply to me. I identify with the following:
RELATER (with my most matched attributes)
- Excellent [I don't say “excellent”] persuader
- Seeks Recognition
- Easily gets sidetracked
- Sees the big picture
- Likes to socialize [my comments will follow below]
- Can be disorganized
- Prefers working with others
- Likes organization and structure
- Likes to work alone
- Gets energized by solving problems
- Has high expectation of others and self
- Avoids conflict
- Outwardly demonstrates concern for others
- Tends to be a hard worker
- Ambitious
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