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Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Broader Sweep of Victory

[An occasion (when in their turn people show kindness and loyalty toward us) reveals the] bonding our own actions should produce.... We may not benefit ourselves, but God's kingdom will be strengthened if we act in the name of Jesus Christ.  Perhaps we could pray each morning, "Lord, as I prepare for this day please help me respond to people as Christ has taught us." (Through the Year with Jimmy Carter, page 257).

In today's meditation Jimmy Carter pointed out that when we show kindness to others, we can help bond people to the Kingdom (regardless of whether or not we receive more direct personal benefits or recognition).  In times of possible discouragement, we need remember that our principal objective is to serve Christ and those he loves and grow the kingdom of God (and not to glory in racked-up ego points or score tawdry production line trophies).

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