Thursday, July 2, 2015
What is Appropriate Interrogation in the Public Square?
In America we have come to understand that there are legitimate and illegitimate interrogations in the public square. If we are doing business together, both parties have the right and even duty to make plain aspects of the deal– this includes all areas including business, education, medicine, law, real estate. In all these matters we expect and accept as quite legitimate pointed questions.
In other areas, however, pointed questions are typically considered illegitimate interrogation. For example, in a business work environment questions as to private family matters, sexual practices, and religion are considered illegitimate. It is occasionally acceptable for us to volunteer personal information on any of these matters, but to interrogate others about them (even if implied) is considered out of bounds. In religion I think the Jehovah's Witnesses illustrate this. They go door to door explaining their religion. Essentially this is legitimate even though sometimes annoyingly disruptive. However, it would be considered out of bounds for them to go door-to-door with drilling inquisitions into your beliefs.
Nearing Independence Day I'm thankful to live in a country where this sense of appropriateness largely abides – for indeed, in the end, this sense of appropriateness is simply referencing in action the respect inherent within the Golden rule.
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