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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Facilitating Happiness

Why is being a servant to others essential for sharing the Gospel? What is one way you could be more of a servant to someone you are concerned about? (Serendipity Bible Fourth Edition, page 1608).

Flat-out, it is important to have fun in the role of service. As the saying goes "the Lord loves a cheerful giver." So if there are elements in the arrangement which are getting on my nerves, I attempt to air the issue and discover ways in which the service can be streamlined and to get the job done while taking everyone into consideration.  Personally, that is the only way that I can avoid building up feelings of resentment. I have on occasion told myself that "after all I'm doing this for Jesus." Yet, self-inflicted misery and attempts at self-deception are seldom good for the spirit.  I think of the nickname given to Hubert Humphrey – the Happy Warrior. To me that's a great stance--and the most redemptive profile--in which to serve others.

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