My Creative Process class includes an assignment to create something during each of the next 26 days (35 in all). Many years have past since I wrote poems on a regular basis--I was in my 20's when I did so (I'm now 70). My project will be to write a short poem each day and post it on this blog. I hope you will find them interesting.
Hickory Dickory Dock
Hickory dickory dock
The mouse ran up the clock
With such impressive fortitude
Even I became jealous--
For at once neither tick nor striking chime
Nor the sound of his little retreating feet
Made it past the growing silence
Of my right ear's sensory's retirement;
Now upon seeing the savvy mouse's great good sense
And surveying the bankruptcy of my great pretense
I finally found within myself
The courage to banish vanity
To buy a little hearing aid
And replace delimited silence
With discrete sound waves traveling near.
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