If an angel were to reveal God's plan for my life today, I would?:
a. ask a lot of questions.
b. wonder if I had any say about it.
c. rejoice that God could use me.
d. worry about my ability to do it.
e. run away scared.
f. tell the angel I would rather not know my future.
(Serendipity Bible 10th Anniversary Edition, page 1429).
The answer to this question depends upon my disposition as a recent retiree. Do I at this point wish to retire from essential service? Do I want to disappear in an RV camper and park by a secluded fishing hole or do I wish to remain a hard worker in the matrix of life? There is no doubt in my mind as to the answer for this--I wish to remain an earnest player within the matrix of life. Now the angel could say God wants me to spend my last days in secluded peace in a retirement home. The Lord knows that this would depress me. I do not feel I am ready now for a retirement home--however I am well aware that retirement homes are no doubt one of God's mission fields. Of all the above possible responses, the one that would hold true no matter what is "ask a lot of questions." How is this going to happen and how can I effectively advance God's kingdom in this role? I wish to not only survive but prevail.
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