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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Taking the Bait

What would you do if you were offered position and/or power as a way to buy your vote or pre-determine your thinking? (Serendipity Bible 10th anniversary edition, page 1230).

The answer to this question all depends on how and where one is anchored in life – where one’s core values lie; what decision rules one has in place. If one’s core values lie in power and prestige, then when one is offered them at the expense of lesser held values the result is highly predictable. One of the central objectives that my parents had was to instill within me core values which forcefully implied that to achieve at any cost was ill advised. The fast track to the top was valued immeasurably less than anchored direction. Unfortunately sometimes I think well-intentioned concern with scholarship and academic success in school can be destructive of the child’s best interest. The pursuit of the honor roll is not always a good thing – in fact it can be destructive. The basic business we must be about is how to live faithful lives—not showy, successful ones. Our legal system underscores this approach when it recognizes that a speedy conviction is less important than justice – hence, the implementation of Miranda rights. Unfortunately our economic system sometimes seems to affirm and reinforce the bankrupt notion that we should achieve at any cost, and thus deeply undermines bedrock democratic principles. (Inherent within human freedom is the paradox that our actions must be limited.) A poisonous and demonically inspired way of thinking ensues when we ascribe to the notion that success is its own justification – in the service of this end, any means will do. This is clearly antithetical to the disciplines of love that validate and enable true prosperity.

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