When I “adopted” children in the neighborhood some years ago, I at once took them to church. Sometimes I wonder why. What did I wish for them? Here's the gist of it.
wanted to share with them the stability based on love found in the
church. I wanted them to experience the “solid rock” that their
hearts and minds could validate first hand – that the disciplines
of love bring peace, tranquility, and joy unmatched by anything else.
I wanted them to gift them with conviction – a conviction that
with the help of God they can master the steadfast principles
necessary for true happiness - all well within their grasp. Did the
church “take” in the minds and hearts of my children? Some would
say, by outward signs, there is little evidence of it. But we made
an unspoken pact during those years to continue throughout our lives
an enduring frankness and honesty. Communication with my children
continues unabated, and I am fully persuaded that the legacy of
church in their lives continues to germinate with abiding force and
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