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Stoning of St Stephen
Are you stubborn? Is it a good quality or does it trap you in “your own devices”? How do stubbornness and persistence differ? (Serendipity Bible 10th Anniversary Edition, page 828).
they would not listen and were as stiff-necked as their ancestors,
who did not trust in the Lord their God. (2 Kings 17:14 NIV)
stiff-necked people!.... You are just like your ancestors: You always
resist the Holy Spirit! (Acts 7:51 NIV)
love the image of “stiff-necked people” as an illustration of
stubbornness. This contrasts with the visage of earnest yearning
characteristic of persistence. Stiff-necked people coldly worship
the status quo at whatever cost. All evidence to the contrary is
dismissed as essentially treacherous and serving to undermine assumed
and avowed rectitude. Stern and dismissive self-righteousness faces
are punctuated by set jaws and uplifted chins. Anger is plainly
evident or simmers just below the surface. Stiff-necked people are
scandalized and agitated by any suggestion of alternative realities
that differ from their own set view of things. They fancy themselves
the final authority and become impervious to any leadings of the Holy
Spirit which does not validate their own sanctimonious prejudices.
Humility to them is weakness and the God of love is summarily deposed
by the God of war – the latter to which they give full and complete
allegiance. While they would worship strength, they haven't a clue
as to strength’s utter dependence upon humility and a yielding,
submissive spirit. It is rumored in some quarters that stiff-necked
necked people survive even today, and did not exist just in Biblical
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