Galileo |
In the midst of a problem, where is your focus? On the problem? On the Lord? On yourself? What are some good ways to fix your eyes on the Lord? What kind of music and/or body language might help? (Serendipity Bible 10th Anniversary Edition, page 638).
first approaching this question, the tendency might be to say that
the best thing to do is to focus on the problem itself. Certainly it
is a beautiful thing when in a moment of time we see someone in peace
and tranquility intensely focusing on a problem. But of course this
observation carries with it an important qualifier – intensely
focusing on a problem in peace and tranquility. An important
precedent to successful problem solving is a sense of grounding
allowing the quiet focusing on facts. The ordeals of Galileo come to
mind. The discovery of the nature of our solar system was distinct
and set apart from another phase – that of dealing with authority.
In the first instance one can say that Galileo had his eyes fixed on
the Lord, in the second phase he had his eyes on man. No doubt he
would have never made his discovery in the first place if man's authority
had taken precedence in his mind over facts. The nature of God's
authority is beneficent while the nature of man's is often
self-serving. The Lord frees us to understand his world, while man's authority at times would encroach on that freedom. We can look to the
exquisite beauty of music to sense the eternal and encourage us to do
the right thing – not just the politically correct thing. It is
important that our body language telegraph to the world a sense of
grounding that like beautiful music encourages doing the right thing.
Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring (Vocal)
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