The world is
impressed by achievement and success.
Achievement and success are viewed in terms that invite no subtlety or
debate. From this point of view it is inconceivable
that someone marginally employed in a low paying job is a success. In short, it is fruitless to argue that one in
that position may be following a divine calling. Divine callings carry little or no weight in
terms of worldly judgment. I have
sympathy for those persons who avoid reunions of any type out of discomfort
that they have no glittering trophies to bring to the table and may thus face
social opprobrium—when in fact God may be leading them in paths that yield heavenly
rather than earthly acclaim. The simple
fact is that no one is qualified to judge success or failure. Variables include the obvious one that warns
against judging others when you have not walked in their shoes to the simple
fact that only God is omniscient and is ultimately qualified to judge success and
failure or faithfulness and unfaithfulness. Even though I avoided reunions earlier in
life, I go to them now. Is it because at
long last I wish to honor and pay tribute to all for living under the leading of their best lights? Or rather is it
because I have now a collection of toys to bring to the table for show and tell?
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