Sunday, January 1, 2012
Good Cops Are on the Beat
In time of dicey trouble, it’s reassuring to know
that there are good cops on the beat.
They wear no special uniforms. In
a sense, they are undercover cops, but carry in their deportment commitment, courage, and a certain flavor of righteousness.
They do not inhabit special buildings, but span out to our own
neighborhoods and workplaces. Sometimes for
want of a better description they are called angels. Whether they are or not, I do not know. I only know them by their works and words. They begin right away, so to speak, to put on
new coats of paint. They make a real
difference in our world, and like a new year’s day, help make for fresh starts. Unfortunately there must always be caution—some
angels answer to an evil authority. But in these cases, time (usually a short
time) reveals their true master as they work counter to our long-term best interests.
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