Tonight I would like to honor all those who run
wires and cables. Now with the many
homes and buildings with cable TV and internet not to mention electrical wiring
itself, the challenges of running wires and cables are frequently overlooked. When the Twin Towers fell, I could not help
but think of the huge investment that had gone into those buildings in terms of
putting in place Ethernet cabling alone.
It was stunning to think all those man-hours of work could be destroyed
so quickly. (Not to mention all the
other systems such as plumbing and air conditioning also destroyed.) The challenges of running wire and cable not
only involve overall planning and design, but endless adaptation to troubling
details and tight spots. Wire management
involves not only getting the job done, but doing it as esthetically pleasing
and nonintrusive as possible. So the next time you settle into your easy
chair to enjoy a TV program on cable, I suggest you give a moment’s thought to
the installer who worked the minor miracle of making the cable link well-nigh
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