Today I felt defensive. My manager said to our work group that we must not in relation to our jobs stop striving to master the latest advances. To do so would indicate that we had retired on the job and our employment would be in jeopardy. This attitude is one that I am well familiar with. When I was in my thirties I felt very strongly in this way. I had the romantic notion that no person should ever stop seeking onward and upward. To do so would be to indicate a sad resignation from the struggles of life; it would be sign that one had given up. As one who frequented higher learning institutions, I felt a little sorry for those who had given up and stopped taking courses to better themselves. That was then; this is now. Father forgive me, but I have come to feel that after 66 years of soaking in the knowledge of others—reading texts and attending courses—it’s time for me to express myself based on my own life experiences. In effect I ask, “Don’t I ever have a chance to speak?” This certainly does not mean that I retire on the job and not learn new innovations as they impact my job. But it does mean that I have stopped seeking the next job, my next advancement. I am now experiencing the sin of contentment. I struggle to do my present job well, rather than seek the next job. There is a lot to be said for doing one’s present job well. Much of my job is customer relations. It is showing up to do humble tasks cheerfully with a kind and loving heart. I have come to understand that spiritual challenges (as ancient as Genesis) are every bit as challenging as the latest technology.
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