Until today I have struggled to understand the pro-gun position and have left any political action up to others. That ended today with my contribution to the Brady Campaign. I have watched the last public servant attacked without my protest. Two Saint Petersburg police today were killed by gunfire. The shock and sorrow encountered by others in other cities was brought home to me.
Throughout my life I have watched in silence as political leaders have been assassinated. I have heard very few arguments on their behalf or on behalf of thousands of other public servants who are open daily to the lethal unhappiness of others. And it’s not only public servants in an official sense, but also for those who serve the public in the private sector.
The time has come to end the Wild West romance with guns—the perverted belief that we will all be freer if we all pack heat. I will say for the first time without hedging or compromise—that is a loony, silly, crazy, bizarre notion entertained only by the violently conditioned. Justice is a product of the state, not of the heat carried in the pocket.
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