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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday Services

Sunday was the first Sunday of the month therefore we had communion--a meaningful time of commitment.  The sermon was on the Holy Spirit as it guides us in decision making.  We saw a clip from the last in the Indiana Jones trilogy (The Last Crusade) in which the Nazi antagonist Uber makes a wrong choice, or as the guardian knight put it, "he chose poorly."  The antagonist chose an ornate cup rather than the correct cup (the Holy Grail) and was quickly destroyed.  The point of the sermon was to choose wisely we need the leadings of the Holy Spirit.  In Sunday school we discussed how God's timing is not always as we would like.  The basic difficulty here is that our awareness or perception of a problem can be sudden; and since our awareness is quick, we expect a quick solution.  The difficulty is that problems usually develop over time in a process frequently below our awareness, and their solution more frequently than not will require a process.  We need to appreciate that miracles often come to us with a human face with skills, knowledge, and tools often developed over a laborious, time-consuming process.  Immense background can be brought to bear on our problem immediately and with dispatch; and this suddenness can have the form and substance of miracle.  Again, we discussed how we need to appreciate our blessings.  We also discussed how the Lord's yoke is light, not because we don't have to work hard, but because out of love for God, we want to do the job required of us.  We follow him willing and joyfully, not driven by threat of punishment.  In this way, responsibility becomes liberating rather than an onerous chore.  And this can be true of "little" big things, like washing dishes.

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